5 Gifts to Create for Under $20

Read time: 3 minutes

Why buy handmade gifts from a website or craft fair, when you can make them yourself? With a few inexpensive materials, you can turn these fun ideas into thoughtful gifts in no time.

two recipe jars with a measuring cup sitting on a cutting board on the counter
Recipe in a Jar

This is great for breads, cookies or hot cocoa mixes. Just select your recipe of choice, then layer the dry ingredients inside a clear, food-safe jar. Mason canning jars are easy to find and are trendy now. To add a more personal touch, you can customize the jar with a word, an initial or a design. Simply use stencils or glue to write a message or initial on the outside of the jar, then spray paint the jar any color you like. Make it truly look like a gift — add a bow and decorative recipe tag showing the ingredients and directions.

animal magnets spray-painted silver and gold
Decorative Magnets

Have small toys or costume jewelry just gathering dust? Give them new life as fun, custom magnets for the refrigerator, office or kids’ rooms. All you need to do is hot glue a few small magnets onto the back of simple toys, such as small animal figurines or tiny cars. That’s all there is to it. Start by adding one magnet, and test it on your refrigerator. If it isn’t strong enough, add a second magnet. To add sparkle to your magnets, spray paint them silver or gold.

chalkboard door sign hanging on a white door
Chalkboard Door Sign

A coat of chalkboard paint can transform any simple wooden plaque into a display-worthy message board that can be used again and again. For either a rustic or polished look, staple twine or ribbon on the back of the plaque for easy hanging. To make a handy chalk holder, coil a length of wire around a piece of chalk like a spring and attach it to the board by drilling a small hole in the wood and securely glue the end of the wire in the hole.

tile coasters on a wood table
Tile Coasters

You can create decorative, functional coasters with eye-catching artwork, colorfully patterned scrapbook paper — even a favorite photo. On ceramic tiles found at a hardware store, layer Mod Podge (available in most craft stores) and then place your picture or paper onto the tile, rubbing out any air bubbles. Once the Mod Podge is thoroughly dry, add a coat on top, let dry and add a second coat. To protect furniture from scratches, glue felt or thin cork to the bottom of the tile or add self-stick rubber or felt pads.

edible wreath made of red and green apples hanging on wood door
Edible Wreath

Use red and green apples or, if you want to go savory, red and green bell peppers in a delightful holiday wreath suitable for hanging or eating. Line up your selected produce and wrap it in cellophane to create a tube. Try green or red cellophane for extra holiday flair.

Tie the space between each piece of produce tightly with baker’s twine. To make sure your wreath is round when you hang it, remove as much space between each piece of produce as possible and tie the twine tightly. Finally, pull the ends of the tube together to form a circle, secure the ends with another piece of twine, and top it all off with a big bow.

These unique gifts really are both quick and easy enough for anyone to make. Plus, when you make a gift with your own hands, it’s sure to reflect warmth and personality you just won’t find in a store-bought item.

Better yet, many of these gift ideas can be used for any gift-giving occasion all year long. Print out this article and keep it handy anytime you’re searching for an easy, personal gift idea that will save you money.

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