Preventive health care … the secret sauce to a happy and healthy retirement

Read time: 4 minutes

Beloved Popeye character J. Wellington Wimpy is known for two things: his insatiable love for hamburgers and his tendency to skip out on free burgers under a false promise of payment later. His famous catchphrase, “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today,” is still in use today!

And no matter how many times he pulled the ol’ switcheroo, he still got free burgers … but for one reason — he never showed up on Tuesdays.

Similar to Wimpy’s tricky approach, you can savor the benefits of retirement without worrying about the metaphorical Tuesday. How? By embracing the power of preventive health care.

Just as Wimpy carefully strategized his burger indulgence, preventive health care allows you to proactively safeguard your well-being and financial stability.

So … if you have a taste for saving money and keeping yourself healthy, read on.

Recipe for success: preventive health’s 3 crucial ingredients

Age-old comic strip characters aside, focusing on preventive medicine has a multitude of benefits. But rather than list them all out one-by-one, here are three that rise to the top.

  1. Avoid high medical expenses

    No one wants to deal with high medical bills, especially in retirement. That’s why preventive health care can help you when it comes to staying within your budget. Preventive health care can catch diseases early, which can reduce the cost of treatment. Or, it can let you and your doctor know about things to work on, which could prevent future diseases (and related medical expenses) altogether.

  2. Improve your health in the long-term

    Along the lines of prevention, some tests and screenings can help your doctor find problems early before they cause bigger health issues. And regular wellness checkups mean, for example, regular blood pressure readings. If yours is starting to go up, your doctor will recommend ways you can lower it. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of making some lifestyle changes rather than getting a prescription.

  3. Increase your life span

    As the saying goes, a stitch in time saves nine. That’s why your annual wellness exams can be so important. Serious diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease, can cut into your life span. If your doctor advises that you lose weight, follow his or her weight management plan for you. By losing the recommended amount of weight — and keeping it off — you have a better chance of fending off life-limiting conditions.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Don’t let cost be an obstacle. Many health plans, including Medicare, pay for some preventive tests.

And while preventive coverage with Medicare may be limited, look for Medicare supplemental coverage that includes preventive care.

If you’re on Medicare, thumb through pages 30-56 in your Medicare & You 2023 booklet or the online PDF to see what Part B (your medical insurance) covers.

Within these pages, look for the apple symbol to read up on preventive services.

Here are just a few examples of what you’ll find:

  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm screenings
  • Bone mass measurements
  • Cardiovascular disease screenings
  • Colorectal cancer screenings
  • Counseling to prevent tobacco use & tobacco-caused disease
  • Depression screening
  • Diabetes screenings
  • Diabetes self-management training
  • Lung cancer screenings

And don’t forget about these two visits

You’ll also want to take advantage of your Welcome to Medicare preventive visit and your yearly Wellness visit.

  • Welcome to Medicare

    If you’re new to Medicare, the Welcome to Medicare preventive visit is offered during the first 12 months you have Part B. It includes a review of your medical and social history related to your health. It also includes education and counseling about preventive services, including certain screenings, shots or vaccines, and referrals for other care, if needed.

  • Annual Wellness visit

    You’re also entitled to a yearly Wellness visit if you’ve had Part B for longer than 12 months. The visit isn’t a physical exam, but it gives you the opportunity to work with your health care provider to develop or update your personalized health plan to prevent disease or disability.

Savor the flavor of a healthy retirement with preventive health care

Think of preventive health care like a well-timed investment in retirement. And just as Wimpy enjoyed the immediate satisfaction of his hamburgers, you too can relish the many perks of staying healthy and proactive.

And who knows … maybe when next Tuesday comes, it’ll be as satisfying as a well-balanced meal, fueling your journey to a happier and healthier retirement!

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