
Physicians Mutual Insurance Company®

5 summer safety tips for your pets

Read time: 1 minute

1. Fireworks and thunderstorms

If loud noises make your pets nervous, make an escape-proof place for them so they don’t run away.

2. Sun and heat

Know the signs of overheating (excessive panting, increased heart rate and weakness). Provide your pets with plenty of fresh water and shade. If the pavement is too hot for your bare foot, it’s too hot for your pet’s paws. Walk on grassy surfaces, or early in the morning or later in the evening. Keep an eye on your furry friends around water — not all pets can swim.

3. Toxic chemicals

Keep toxic insecticides, citronella products and glow sticks out of reach. Also, keep your pets away from any areas that have been sprayed with chemicals.

4. Parties and barbeques

Make sure you and your guests don’t feed your pets human food. In particular, grapes, onions, avocado, and chocolate are all toxic to them.

5. Hot cars

Did you know a car’s temperature can reach over 100 degrees in 10 minutes, even on an 85-degree day? Don’t leave your pets in the car on a hot day, even for a few minutes.

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