
Physicians Mutual Insurance Company®

Satisfied with your coverage? Stay the course during Medicare Open Enrollment. (Oct. 2024)

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If you’re satisfied with your coverage, stay the course during Medicare Open Enrollment.

Medicare Open Enrollment is the time for Medicare beneficiaries to review and, if necessary, modify their health and prescription drug coverage (Part D).

For many older Americans, Open Enrollment (October 15 - December 7) can be stressful due to changes in certain health and many Part D plans.

However …

Medicare Supplement enrollees can rest easy about their coverage!


Unlike other health plans, Medicare Supplement plans aren’t up for annual changes — what you signed up for is what you’ll get, bringing a sense of comfort and predictability to your health care.

So, if you’re already enrolled in a Medicare Supplement plan and happy with your coverage, you can toss the mountains of mail and ignore the celebrity-endorsed commercials.

You and your health coverage are set for next year.

Now, it’s important to note that Part D plans do change each year. These changes can include modifications to the covered medications, co-pays and premiums. As a result, you may consider reviewing your Part D coverage to make sure your 2024 plan coverage meets your 2024 prescription needs.

Let’s see how to get started choosing your prescription drug coverage.

Tips for reviewing your Part D coverage

Plans change from year-to-year, but so can your needs. It’s essential to review your prescriptions and ensure your coverage fits your lifestyle and budget.

To ensure you have the best Part D coverage for 2024, follow these steps:

Check if your prescriptions are covered by the plan’s formulary (the plan’s list of covered drugs).
Understand the plan’s tier system for different drug costs. (Medicare drug coverage typically places drugs into different levels, called “tiers,” on their formularies. Drugs in each tier have a different cost — drugs in a lower tier will generally cost you less than a drug in a higher tier.)
Look for any coverage restrictions like prior authorization or step therapy.
Compare monthly premiums, deductibles and co-payments for each prescription.
Verify if your preferred pharmacy is in the plan’s network.
Check if the plan allows prescriptions by mail-order.

Where to go for help …

First things first, you don’t have to do it alone. There are free resources to help you make a smart choice for your prescription drug coverage.

Here are three we recommend.

1. Medicare

The Medicare Plan Comparison tool helps makes it easy to compare different Part D prescription drug plans based on costs, covered medications, and pharmacies to find the most suitable coverage. To get started, visit https://www.medicare.gov/plan-compare/.

2. Your agent

If you’ve worked with an insurance agent, they’re often able to help you understand your coverage options and walk you through which Part D plans make sense for you.

3. State Health Insurance Assistance (SHIP)

SHIP programs are a free, community-based network throughout the country. Counselors have been screened, trained and certified as Medicare experts. To find your local SHIP location, visit: https://www.shiphelp.org/.

Taking these steps during Open Enrollment can help you make informed decisions and find the best prescription drug coverage tailored to your needs.

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