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7 health benefits of watermelon, summer’s favorite fruit

Read time: 3 minutes

Is there anything more refreshing on a hot summer day than a cold slice of watermelon? This sweet and satisfying fruit is loaded with health benefits — more than you might think for something made up of 92% water! If you love watermelon, you’ll be happy to learn that it can:

Reduce your risk of cancer and diabetes

Watermelon is loaded with lycopene — more than any other fruit or vegetable (even tomatoes). This antioxidant has been shown to help lower your risk of cancer and diabetes — in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle.

Watermelon with bright red flesh (rather than yellow or orange) tends to have more lycopene — as does a seedless watermelon. And the riper, the better.

Lower your blood pressure and help your heart

Watermelon is rich in an amino acid called citrulline that may help move blood through your body and can lower your blood pressure.

Your heart also benefits from watermelon’s lycopene, which can lower your risk of heart attacks. This assumes you follow a heart-healthy lifestyle. Exercise, don’t smoke, limit saturated fat and follow your doctor’s advice.

Help steady your blood sugar

If you’re trying to keep your blood glucose levels steady, you can enjoy a slice of watermelon without worry. Watermelon has a glycemic index (GI) value of 80, about the same as a bowl of cornflakes. But because it’s got few carbs, its glycemic load (how quickly it enters your bloodstream and how much glucose it can produce) is a mere 5.

Protect your joints

The beta-cryptoxanthin pigment in watermelon may protect your joints from inflammation. Over time, according to some studies, that could make you less likely to get rheumatoid arthritis.

Nourish your eyes

Vitamin A is one of the keys to keeping your eyes healthy. And just one medium slice of watermelon contains about 10% of the vitamin A you need every day.

Keep you hydrated

Eating watermelon is a great way to stay hydrated — remember, it’s 92% water. Every cell in your body needs water. Even a small deficit can make you feel sluggish, and dehydration can lead to serious health issues.

Soothe your skin

Vitamins A, B6 and C in watermelon help your skin stay soft, smooth and supple. Watermelon also makes a great face mask. Just mix 1 tablespoon of watermelon juice with 1 tablespoon of Greek yogurt. Spread it over your face and leave on for 10 minutes to slough off any dry, dull skin. Rinse and pat dry.

We’re in the middle of watermelon season, which generally runs from May through September in much of the country. Now that you know how good it is for you, don’t pass up the chance to enjoy this delicious, guilt-free summertime treat.

Watermelon tips

Choosing the right one

  • When shopping for watermelon, make sure it doesn’t have any dents, nicks or bruises.
  • Look for a yellow (not white) spot on the bottom of the melon. That means it’s ripe.
  • A watermelon that sounds hollow when you thump it, is juicy and ready to eat.

Cutting and storing

  • Before you cut your watermelon, wash it with cool water first so your knife doesn’t drag germs through the inside.
  • Watermelon will keep for up to five days in your fridge.

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